Parental Rights Wigan


Mediation a great alternative to resolving disputes during a divorce. With mediation, the future of the child is in the hands of the parents and, together with the mediator, they make the decisions between them.

Mediation’s main task is to secure the child’s future. Mediation helps you to reach decisions in the interest of both the parties without going through the courts.

Parental rights

Parental Rights Wigan

Safe & Confidential

The process of mediation is always confidential so that the parental rights can be transparent about any opinions they have.

The case of the child’s future is very sensitive and must be handled very seriously and transparently.
The opinions of both the parties as well as the mediator matter.

If both parties corporate, mediation can be very successful and it is becoming an increasingly popular path for families choosing to separate.
parental rights Mediation

Parenting can be a complicated task, especially after separation.

At Lakes Mediation, we offer you with all the services of mediation and help you to exercise parental rights.

There are many rights of a parent regarding the child’s future and these are altered when they are separated.

Parental rights Wigan also have a lot of responsibilities and have to take many decisions regarding the children.

What Is

The case of decision making is very sensitive as the whole future of the child is dependent on it. 

Parents have to be aware of the rights they have as otherwise it will not be very responsible on their part.

The court can implement or terminate the rights of the parents according to the situation.

Parental rights Wigan the legal rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority a parent has for a child and the child’s property. 


Is It Legally Binding?

A person who has parental responsibility for a child has the right to make decisions about their care and upbringing.

These include decisions regarding the child’s education, religion, schedule, career etc.

Rights of a parent can be extended to custody and visitation in case they have been separated.

The rights of a parent are mandatory in certain cases and can be altered or terminated in some.

Parental rights Wigan

The court can terminate the rights of both the parents and liabilities also.

Some other reasons for the termination of parental rights are own wish, abuse, mental illness, drug or alcohol impairment etc. A parent has to take care of all these factors before exercising its rights.

The task of Lakes Family Mediation is to keep you informed about all the rights and responsibilities of parents after being separated.

We tell you the situations in which you can exercise your parental rights Wigan and some situations in which you cannot.

Our experienced mediators have all the information and they have handled a lot of situations like these.

Parental rights also can be reduced or terminated just like the parental rights. The liabilities of a parent are terminated automatically when the child reaches adulthood and are considered as a major.

Parent can voluntarily participate in the process of mediation. It is the duty of the mediator to take into consideration all the opinions of both the parties.

co parenting
The online mediation service was brilliant for myself and my ex husband. We didn't need to arrange childcare or take time off work and we now have a parental agreement in place and the kids are so much happier thank you Lakes mediation!
A. Hussain
child maintenance
After a year of hardly any access to my daughter I was so pleased Lakes Mediation helped us have a break through. Now I have regular access and we are building our relationship again thank you thank you!
M. Rogers
Greater Manchester
parental rights1
After a very rocky divorce I was so glad to finally have an agreement in place. The online shuttle mediation meant we didn't have to see each other and we reached an agreement within a few sessions and no arguments! Quiet honestly a miracle thank you!
T. Chow
parental rights 1